Tongits Go Jili Game Review

Tongits Go is a variation of poker widely played in the Philippines and features several unique and entertaining Jili game variants. In a single game, winning in several different scenarios, getting big bonuses, testing one’s abilities and luck, and employing additional scoring methods is possible.

tongits go

Tongits Go Overview

In this card game, three players participate, and each player is dealt a hand of 12 cards from a standard deck of playing cards without the jokers, totaling 52 cards. The remaining cards that were not dealt are placed face down in the center of the table, forming the central stack. The players will take turns playing cards from their hands onto the main pile, following the game’s rules. 

Tongits Go Overview

The objective could vary depending on the rules chosen for the game, such as creating sets or runs, accumulating points, or being the first to run out of cards. The game continues until one of the players achieves the predetermined objective or until all players have exhausted their hands.

Turn the Player

Turn the Player
  • Chow: When drawing cards, if the card that was discarded may be used to make a Meld with the cards already in a player’s hand, then the player may pick up the card that was discarded and directly put it down on the table. This option is available only if the player can do so.
  • Meld: During a player’s turn, they can place any melds they have made on the table.
  • Sapaw: During a player’s turn, they can use their cards to link to melds on the table, whether those melds belong to them or other players.
  • Dump: When it is a player’s turn, they have the option of discarding one card and adding it to the pile of cards that have been discarded. In addition, the end of the turn will occur after a card has been chosen.

How to Play Tongits Go by Jili

A player is selected randomly as the starting player, and the remaining players take turns playing in the opposite direction of the clock’s hands.

How to Play Tongits Go by Jili
  • When it is the player’s turn, they may draw a card from the shared stack and add it to the cards they already have. If the currently active player’s cards and the card that the player discarded before may be combined to form a Meld, then the currently active player can draw from the discarded cards and immediately play their Meld. 
  • When it is a player’s turn, that player can place the Melds they have made on the table or keep them hidden in their hand. Before the end of their turn, the player must decide to discard one card and add it to the pile of cards that have been discarded.
  • During their turn, players have 20 seconds to draw a card from either the center stack or the cards that have been discarded. After the countdown expiration, if a player has not yet drawn a card, another card will be drawn for them from the shared stack in the middle of the table.
  • During their turn, players have 20 seconds to play a hand, discard one card, and add another to the pile of cards they have discarded. After the timeframe has expired, if the player has not taken any action, a Meld will be constructed and played automatically, and the player’s top card in their hand will be discarded.
  • A player may issue a Fight during their turn if they already have a Meld on the table and no other player has yet linked to that Meld (Sapaw). Other players can either “Fight” or “Fold,” after deciding which path to take, they will show down before moving on to the settlement stage.
  • A player may proclaim a “Tongits Victory” during their own Meld and then go on to the settlement phase after all the cards in their hand have been merged into Melds. This allows them to move on to the next stage of the game.
  • When all of the cards in the center stack meet the requirements for the Player Turn stage for the showdown score, during the settlement phase of the game, players who have not contributed any Melds to the table are regarded to be Burned.

Sagasa and Bonus Card 

Sagasa and Bonus Card
  • Cards A and K belong to the Bonus Card.
  • When the game is completed, and the winner has N Bonus Cards in their hand, the loser must pay an extra N time the Ante (Melds placed down on the table do not qualify as Bonus Cards). If the winner has N Bonus Cards in their hand, the loser must pay additional N times the Ante.
  • It is referred to as a Sagasa when the opening hand contains a Three of a Kind, and a Four of a Kind can be formed by drawing cards from the middle stack.
  • When the round is complete, and the victor has N Sagasas in their hand, the player who came in second must pay an extra amount equal to N times the Ante.

Payout Odds 

When playing Tongits Go, the odds represent the probable return or payout a player might anticipate receiving if their wager succeeds.

Payout Odds
  • Normal Win: 1 out of 1
  • Tongits: 1 for every 
  • Win Challenge: 2 for each
  • Burned: 1x
  • Secret melds: 2x
  • Bonus cards: 1x
  • Sagasa: 1x


Tongits Go is an online card game based on the traditional Filipino game Tongits. It offers a digital version of the game that can be played on mobile devices, allowing players to enjoy the game anytime and anywhere.

In Tongits Go, the objective is to form sets and runs using the cards in your hand. Players take turns drawing and discarding cards to create winning combinations. The game involves strategy and decision-making to outwit opponents and achieve victory.

Tongits Go primarily an online game that requires an internet connection to play. However, some versions or variations of the game may offer offline modes or options to play against computer-controlled opponents.


In conclusion, Tongits Go is an exciting online game that can be enjoyed at 747 Live. With its immersive gameplay and strategic elements, Tongits Go allows players to engage in thrilling card battles with opponents worldwide. So, dive into the world of Tongits Go to 747 Live and get ready for hours of fun, competition, and excitement.

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